Our Products

Industrial Blade

Why Us

21 Years of Experience

German Make

Customized Solutions

Support & Maintenance

On-Time Delivery

Our Quality

We hold over a decade-long experience in the metal cutting industry. We have always provided all our clients best quality products which have helped them in precision cutting and increased efficiency. We relentlessly work towards understanding the exact customer requirements to provide them with precise solutions for customer satisfaction. It has resulted in more than 1000+ happy customers.

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About Our Company

Nidhi Machine Tools (NMT) has been happily serving clients in the metal cutting industry over a decade now, and earlier it was established under the brand of Nidhi Enterprises in the year 2001, and now being called as Nidhi Machine Tools (NMT).

NMT has been serving clients over a decade in providing customized solutions for their metal cutting requirements which has helped them to increase their efficiency and efficacy. We served more than 1000+ clients from different sectors like automobile, aerospace, defense, electronics etc. and worked towards providing best in quality products in tune with the exact customer requirements for enhanced customer satisfaction.